
By using intrusive.cloud, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read carefully before posting or interacting with content on this website.

1. Anonymous Posting
All posts on intrusive.cloud are made anonymously. We do not collect or record any personal data related to the content you post. However, users must provide an email address solely for account access. No personal or identifying information is required or stored in relation to your posts.

2. Prohibited Content
You agree not to post any personal information (yours or others’), sensitive data, discriminatory, hateful, or offensive content. This includes, but is not limited to, content that could be considered defamatory, libellous, or in violation of any law. Any such content may be removed at our discretion without notice.

3. Liability Disclaimer
intrusive.cloud takes no responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, or legality of any content posted by users. The views and opinions expressed in user posts do not reflect those of intrusive.cloud or its management. We cannot guarantee the appropriateness of any content posted and take no responsibility for any consequences that may arise from viewing or interacting with posts.

4. Content Removal
We reserve the right to monitor, modify, or remove any content that we deem inappropriate, in violation of our terms, or otherwise harmful. Posts may be displayed, modified, or deleted at our discretion, without notice or reason.

5. Use of Email Addresses
Email addresses provided by users are only used for accessing the website and account management. We do not store, track, or use these email addresses for any other purposes, including marketing or third-party sharing.

6. No Legal Responsibility
By posting on intrusive.cloud, you agree that you are solely responsible for the content you submit. You acknowledge that intrusive.cloud is not liable for any legal repercussions that may arise from your posts or from the actions of other users on the site.

7. Indemnity
You agree to indemnify and hold intrusive.cloud harmless from any claims, liabilities, losses, or damages resulting from any content you post or any violations of these terms.

8. Changes to the Disclaimer
intrusive.cloud reserves the right to modify or update this disclaimer at any time. Any changes will be posted here, and it is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly.

By continuing to use intrusive.cloud, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to this disclaimer. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please refrain from using the site.